Tag Archives: wardrobe re-shaping and alterations

Getting Fit in 2015?

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Welcome to 2015 everyone.

For many a new year means a new set of resolutions and goals.  A topic that consistently tops list’s is a renewed commitment to fitness and overall health. We’ve just hit the two-week mark and the statistics show that it’s right about now that our commitments begin to waver.  With that in mind I urge you to hang in there.

No doubt getting back into shape is a painful process – the silver lining though is the more your body gets used to that pain threshold the easier each work out will become.  Pretty soon you’ll be increasing the reps and adding weight to chase the exact pain you feel now!

Another spin off to keep in mind – and assist in the motivation department – is how you’re going to look and feel in your clothes.  All those hours in the gym and pounding the pavement can be expressed through how you wear your clothes.  The key is to know that poorly fitted clothing can visually add 10 pounds or more to your frame.  So whether you’re subtly changing your physique or reducing it considerably there are a lot of simple alterations we can make to visually clean up your look.  Reducing some bulk at the button stance on the jacket, thinning your sleeves, taking away some excess in the leg of your trousers, playing with the type of break you have at the hem – these are just few examples of easy changes that can radically alter your silhouette.  You’re putting in the hard work so you might as well let the results be seen.

If you’re interested don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can discuss some of the options available to you.
