Off The Rack vs Made To Measure…

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What works best for me?

I’m often asked this question and there are countless angles to look at it from.  In the name of simplicity my advice is always the same – start with your body and its shape.  Are you of the shape that you can purchase something off the rack?  If given the ability to buy a suit as separates (when you purchase the jacket and pant individually as opposed to as a pair) are you able to purchase off the rack?  If the answer to either of these questions is no then you’re in a position where you have to be purchasing made-to-measure.  Don’t fret though – made-to-measure is not necessarily more expensive than off-the-rack and in many cases it can be less costly.

If you answered yes then you’re in the envious position of getting to choose which route works best for you.  If you’re able to satisfy your style and cloth needs from off-the-rack options then you’re good to go.  If not – turn to made-to-measure and open up a wealth of possibilities. Either way do look at the previous post on tips to follow when purchasing an off-the-rack – it will help you in making the decision as to which camp you belong.  Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions…



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